by Anne Butler
The accomplished author of a dozen books and a career journalist with hundreds of articles published in newspapers and magazines,
Anne Butler can conduct tours combining the history of Butler Greenwood Plantation with book reviews, since many of her books are set right on the plantation.
Book clubs and other groups must make prior arrangements by phoning 225-635-6312.
To order by mail contact:
Butler Greenwood
8345 US Highway 61,
St. Francisville, LA 70775.
Be sure to
include your return address.
If you'd like
your book autographed by the author, please specify name.
Combine one
of these related books with a
Butler Greenwood
Plantation Gift Certificate
for an even
more special present.
Text by Anne Butler
Photographs by Henry Cancienne

In this, Louisiana's bicentennial year, UL Press releases MAIN STREETS OF LOUISIANA, celebrating some of the state's most historic and picturesque downtown areas, the 33 communities participating in state and national Main Street programs designed to restore and rehabilitate deteriorating central commercial corridors.
From Abbeville to Winnsboro, Louisiana's Main Street communities are all so different--the earliest established along the rivers and navigable bayous, the railroad communities stitched together by tracks laid across the treeless prairies, the commercial corridors of parish seats circling courthouses--and yet all of them are passionate about restoring the historic downtowns that were and are the hearts and souls of their communities, proving that preservation and progress can--indeed must-- stroll hand in hand without trampling each other. Some of these local communities have been so... Read More ....
Text by Anne Butler
Photographs by Henry Cancienne
Watch for Anne's new book coming out soon: LOUISIANA HIGHWAY ONE, with full-color
photographs by Henry Cancienne, to be published by the Center for Louisiana Studies, ULL's university press, late summer 2010.
Text by Anne Butler
Photographs by Henry Cancienne
The fourth and latest
in the series of big hardback history/cookbooks, Pelican Publishing Company in New Orleans has just released River Road Plantation Country Cookbook by St. Francisville author Anne Butler. The big hardback book, with a multitude of images both old and new, concentrates on the picturesque region between Baton Rouge and New Orleans.
It's as much a state of mind as a place in time, this magical meandering roadway that follows the mighty Mississippi River to connect Louisiana's two most significant - and most diverse - metropolitan areas. Only a book like this, celebrating the region's unique culture and characters, crops and cuisine, can give the reader a taste of what life has been historically and still is today along the River Road. And only a writer such as Anne Butler, historian and storyteller who lives this life in one of Louisiana's early plantations, could do it justice.
Butler's lessons in history and heritage are leavened by a light dash of humor, as she tells of the crown prince whose aversion to bathwater was matched by his daring in dining, serving turkey buzzard stew and fried toadstools to his horrified dinner guests, and the estimable Bernard de Marigny of New Orleans, at whose groaning dinner table were served snipe aged in the revered French tradition called "faisande," ripened so long they dropped from their hangings (phew!). There's even a recipe for Buggy Banana Bread, specialty of one of the state's newest and most popular attractions, the Audubon Insectarium---and yes, it does contain crunchy crickets, an important source of protein in many communities worldwide. Read More ....
Text by Anne Butler
Photographs by Henry Cancienne
The Definitive Guide
Think if you've been on one swamp tour, you've seen them all? Think again. Louisiana has a huge diversity of swamps and wetlands, and the tours through these areas vary enormously according to focus---bird roosts, alligators, big cypress and tupelo gum trees, plenty of wildlife. Many of the guides have spent lifetimes learning the secrets of the swamps as professional fishermen, alligator hunters, trappers, guides, or lumbermen, and they share with passengers their love of the areas and their deep concerns over the fragility of the environments. Illustrated with dozens of fine nature images by award-winning photographer Henry Cancienne, this book contains everything you need to know about every swamp tour in the state. Available from Pelican Publishing and bookstores or from the author.
Homes of Louisiana
Edited by Anne Butler
Photographs by Henry Cancienne
This completely revised, full-color edition includes an updated
list of significant plantation homes in Louisiana, complete
with the historical background of each structure and descriptions
of unique features. This modernized guide offers an expanded
New Orleans section, highlighting both the famous Garden District
and the historic French Quarter. Hours of operation, contact
information, and directions to hard-to-find homes are also
included. Illustrated with seventy-one color photographs by
award-winning Louisiana Photographer Henry Cancienne, this
guide catures the majesty and mystery of Louisiana's splendid
Images by Darrell Chitty ---- Text by Anne Butler
Trying to understand particular places and their importance
in particular times, chroniclers of history take many approaches,
from paintings to plays, from journals to poems, and volumes
of books both fact and fiction. As in the St. Francisville area
today's visitors see the results of the happy marriage of felicitous
climate and fertile soil in the flowering of fabulous antebellum
gardens, so this book happily joins the visual and verbal homages
and paeans of praise sung by two artists, one Louisiana's top
photographer and the other a local author who contributes that
loving insider's knowledge only a longtime resident-observer
can provide. By combining images with words in this full-color
photo book, a true labor of love, they have managed to capture
just a bit of the magic of St. Francisville, its soul, its heart,
its spirit, its timeless charm that is only enhanced by the
patina of the passing of years. |
Third in a series of wonderful big hardback history books filled with vintage photographs and a huge number of recipes, this book spans the centuries and the culinary heritage of Louisiana's
Acadian Country, from the romance of Bayou Teche through the prairie vacheries, from the salt mines of Tabasco country and fishing villages along the coast to the French-speaking oldsters
two-stepping to Cajun fiddles at the Liberty Theater. Reassembled villages like Vermilionville host fascinating
living history demonstrations, but you can see living history everywhere you look in this area, and this book includes it all. Published by Pelican Publishing Co. for release November 2007.
Called a veritable social history in the guise of a cookbook,
this book is the second in a series published by Pelican Publishing
and picks up where Audubon Plantation Country Cookbook left off. Down
the west bank of the Mississippi River and along Bayou Lafourche to
the coast at Grand Isle, it includes the histories and vintage photographs
and related recipes from the big plantations like Nottoway and Oak
Alley, Southdown and Laura, as well as the lesser known ones. It features
chefs and cooks from world-famous John Folse to Spuddy of Spuddy's
Cajun Foods and 92-year-old Ms. Aline Foret who won the dance contest
at the Abbeville Omelette Festival just a few years back and says
we might not all be stars but we can twinkle!--and boy can she cook!
For those who lost Grandma's recipe books in floods or storms, chances
are they'll find them right here. Hardback. Available in bookstores
everywhere; also available from pelicanpub.com
or from Butler Greenwood Plantation website. |
The best
gastronomic tour of the culture and history, livin' and dinin' in
English Plantation Country in Louisiana and Mississippi, Anne's well-loved
old More Than A Cookbook has been re-released by Pelican Publishing
Co. as Audubon Country Plantation
Cookbook. Order online from pelicanpub.com or look for it in
bookstores everywhere.
Hardback. Available in bookstores
everywhere; also available from pelicanpub.com
or from Butler Greenwood Plantation website. |
Like life seen
through the romantic distortions of wavy handblown glass windowpanes,
this story is a blurring of fact and fiction. But then so is all
of life in the South, where the only thing certain is that real
fact is a lot stranger and more interesting than fiction. The late
Dr. Carmichael's friends really did forget exactly where they buried
him after celebrating his life drinking all the fine wine in his
underground cellar, which led to all sorts of complications. As
for the rest of the characters, they're as unreal as the last Ivorybill
Woodpecker. Which may not be all that unreal at all. This
little book has no delusions of grandeur, no intellectual pretensions,
but it sure does have a good sense of timing, coming out the very
day announcements proclaimed the first verified sighting of a real
live Ivorybill in more than half a century.
A Tourist's Guide to West Feliciana Parish:
A Little Bit Of Heaven Right Here On Earth
The definitive tour book to the St. Francisville area, written by
a native-born professional author who ensures that the visitor won't
miss a thing.
gardens, B&Bs, restaurants, shops, recreation...from the world's
largest bald cypress to the wildest rodeo in the South.
Photographs by Ann Stirling Weller.
Ten Stories About Little Chase
and Big Fat Aunt May
More Stories About Little Chase
and Big Fat Aunt May
children's stories which are lessons in life, learned from a quintessentially
southern childhood, replete with hounddogs under porches and tomcats
in baby clothes, bourbon pies and wise old aunties next door.
Beautifully illustrated by nationally recognized artist Murrell
Butler, with color photographs of many of the characters as well,
these volumes also contain the treasured recipes for all the old
southern delicacies which make life worth living. Like children's
tea parties and some of the other old-fashioned entertainments in
the Little Chase stories, these recipes shouldn't be allowed to
die out. Sadly lacking is the child nourished on the immediate
gratification of frozen Sara Lee, however tasty, rather than the
mouth-watering anticipation of slowly cranking the ice cream freezer,
or following with wide eyes the progress of the flaming Plum Pudding
to the Christmas dinner table, or marveling at the tiny red spots
of currant jelly topping dollops of meringue adrift in a sea of
custard in the Thanksgiving Floating Island.
Angola: Louisiana State Penitentiary, A Half-Century
of Rage and Reform
Dying To Tell
Weep for the Living
true crime books centering around the country's most infamous maximum-security
prison, 18,000-acre Angola, subject of a number of recent documentaries
and movies.
ANGOLA details
the fascinating history of the prison, from its origins as huge
cruel cotton plantations to its days as America's bloodiest penitentiary.
examines more contemporary death cases, homicides and executions,
as well as the lessons we can learn from them about the origins
of criminal behavior and the correctional programs which might best
prevent it, programs which need to be implemented not at the end
of a criminal career but before the beginning of one.
LIVING examines what caused the respected retired criminologist
to pick up a pistol and shoot his wife five times as she rocked
on her plantation home's gallery. In this riveting book, the
wife who miraculously survived provides some answers with remarkable
candor, compassion and even humor. This is not fiction; it's
even stranger. Updated Pelican edition out spring 2005; order
online from pelicanpub.com or from bookstores everywhere.
Lost and Found at the Plantation Bed & Breakfast
Writer Anne Butler thought operating a B&B on her
family plantation would be isolating and the ruination of her writing
career. Boy, was she wrong! Now the world comes to her
in all its glory, and this consummate storyteller finds a hilarious
or touching story behind every door, from the modest pentecostals
in the pool with the bikini-clad hooker from New Jersey to the naked
man in the driveway. And you won't believe what gets left
in the Lost and Found department (the staff wishes more of it came
in plus sizes), but actually a whole lot more gets found.
Fabulous color photos by Darrell Chitty,
one of Louisiana's best professional photographers.